Saturday, July 8, 2017

Industrial safety through “the Yellow line”

The yellow line in manufacturing safety has been known for around from a long period. A yellow line in manufacturing is frequently tested in comparison to a yellow line on train platform. Both the yellow line theory has high potential hazards levels.
While standing on a busy train platform and seeing people obliging disembark from the board yellow line from the whole platform, where trains stop to let people disembark from and board the train, there are no signs showing these danger areas or police around for the guidance for people to step behind the yellow line or are regulations present to check his high risk areas. The crowds get often distracted by conversations, children, cell-phones etc and are found speeding to catch a scheduled train. These incidents rarely occur over hampering the line and those who somehow fall over the yellow line for an oncoming train and have likely to make their trip very risky.

Response from people to this theory of risk on seeing the level of risk
Industries have a different yellow line approach over a train platform line. The potential known hazards in manufacturing units are identified through regulations, codes, standards and companies policies as yellow lines are the hazards designated especially for industries.
Hazards in industry are perceived differently in relation to a platform of train. People when operating machinery have yellow lines along walkways and aisles in manufacturing facilities to make sure about the safety aspect.

 Some people are restricted to cross over these yellow lines, while some permitted. And those permitted to cross have undergone special training that includes special personal protective equipment protection and have been given special authorization to cross. Even after many policies and rulings, so many incidents still occur in industries in comparison to the platform of train.

Permanent yellow lines in industries involve shot-blasting the floor where the lines are to go. It is a method of preparation where small steel balls are propelled at the floor t strip off the top 8-12 mils of concrete, thus giving the floor a clean and roughened surface for the epoxy to bond to securely. Machines have recycling vacuum system so there is no dust or other mess created.

A warehouse line painting contractors, we get this question all the time. Usually it boils down to what you want to spent to get the job done, and how long you want it to be the job done, and how long you want the lines to last. To sum it up, the word we can refer is “value”.  There are three basic systems that are available, which can be referred to as temporary, permanent, semi permanent and realizing of course that permanent really depends upon what is done to the lines and how much abuse they get. Here we can use the abuse word for a lift operator who pulls a steel bin loaded with 4000 lbs on the floor.

In last, the conclusion to say is what should be the ultimate safety policies, marking, signs, guards or safety technologies that make us aware but still we fall for it?

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